Application for Endorsement


Thank you for taking part in The Nationals WA preselection process. This online Application for Endorsement is the first step in your preselection journey.

The purpose of this application is to ensure that the Party has a thorough understanding of an applicant’s background in the event that they become a preselected candidate for the Party. This information will help ensure that any issues raised during an election campaign can be dealt with quickly.

There are questions within this application form which might ordinarily be regarded as invasive or may make you feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, in modern politics, candidates for parliamentary election, and those successfully elected, have very limited rights to privacy in terms of their personal, professional or business backgrounds. The Nationals WA has a responsibility to maintain the integrity and reputation of the Party in the eyes of its members, supporters and the wider public.

Full and frank disclosure is fundamental to the application process, and any inaccuracy or omission in the answers you provide may result in your exclusion as a candidate for endorsement.

All information you provide within this application is only viewed by members of The Nationals WA Candidate Selection Committee.

All information you provide is strictly confidential.

Important Information

You can save and return to your application at any time, prior to submission.

If you select the "Save and Complete Later" function at the bottom of the page, it is imperative that you copy and save your unique URL that appears. To re-visit the application, paste your unique URL into the search bar.

Some of the questions you will be asked in this online application will be particular to the responses you give to other questions. Questions that are not relevant to you, based on the responses you provide to the required*questions, will not appear.

A non-refundable application fee of $2,750 applies. At the conclusion of this application, you will be asked to pay the non-refundable application fee using the online payment facility. The application will not be complete without payment.

As part of your application, you will be asked to upload a number of documents relating to your finances, employment, business interests, criminal and driver history, qualifications, and military and/or police service (if applicable). While it is recommended that you submit these documents via the online application, to ensure they are received, the application will allow you to progress and submit your application without uploading these documents. If you do not upload these documents as part of your online application, you will be required to submit them to within 7 working days of the closing day for nominations.

Applicants who fail to provide these documents will forfeit their application and their non-refundable application fee.

Please be aware, the information provided in this application is treated in the strictest confidence and by stringent security standards. We will ensure that any information you provide is solely for the purposes of assessing your application. For more information, contact

If you subsequently apply for some other endorsement, we may take into account matters disclosed in the course of this application.

1. Preliminary Matters

Membership and Electorate

To apply for preselection you must first become a member of The Nationals WA. To do this, follow this link ( here) or call The Nationals WA Secretariat on 1300 628 792.

If you would like to learn more about The Nationals WA's preselection process before becoming a member, please email your enquiry to and include your full contact details.

Please provide the details of two current paid members of That Nationals WA who nominate you for preselection. 

Nominator 1

Nominator 2

2. Applicant Particulars

Name Details

Birth Details


Contact Details

Australian Addresses

Enrolment Information

Enrolment is an eligibility requirement to be elected to the Western Australian Parliament. Please contact before proceeding further.

International Addresses and Travel

3. Relationships


4. Children

Please provide the names and dates of birth of any children you have, including from previous relationships, step-children, guardianships and adoptions.




5. Employment

Employment Documents

All applicants are required to attach a   current CV ( maximum of four (4) pages and   head-shot photograph   as part of their application. Your CV should outline your employment, education, qualifications, business activities, community involvement and referees.

Consistency of information

Prior to submitting your application, all applicants are to ensure that if an item is listed in your CV and also appears in any other publicly-available profiles (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook), then the   relevant details appear in a consistent manner in all places*. (i.e. details match for start and end dates, position titles, employer/community group names, qualification/award titles, organisation names and conferral dates.)

*This does not mean an applicant needs to add all jobs, businesses, qualifications, community positions, etc to their CV and all their profiles – only that if an item does appear in multiple places, the item’s details are consistent everywhere.

Employment Details


Workplace Conduct


To the extent permitted by law, and regardless of whether you were the complainant, subject or respondent in the matter.

6. Qualifications and Awards

Evidence of Qualifications and Awards

All applicants are required to   provide a copy  of, or   supporting evidence  for, any qualification, registration, award, citation, honour, medal or bursary disclosed in their application, their CV or in any other publicly-available profiles (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook).

This can be in the form of the certificate(s), the academic transcript(s) or the letter(s) from the relevant institution(s). Documentary evidence must include your   full name, the   exact name of the qualification / registration / award / citation / honour / medal / bursary, the   organisation  that awarded/conferred it, and the   date  on which it was awarded/conferred.

Consistency of information

Prior to submitting your application, all applicants are to ensure that if a qualification or award is provided below and also appears in their CV and any other publicly-available profiles (e.g. LinkedIn, Facebook), then the   relevant details appear in a consistent manner in all places*. (i.e. details match for qualification/award titles, organisation names and conferral dates).

*This does not mean an applicant needs to add all qualifications, awards, etc to their CV and all their profiles – only that if an item does appear in multiple places, the item’s details are consistent everywhere.

Qualifications and Registrations


Awards and Honours


7. Business

Information in public registers

Prior to submitting your application, all applicants are to ensure that any business and company information provided below is up-to-date and correctly reflected in any public ASIC, ATO, ACNC or other registers. (i.e. business names, company names, registered addresses, principal place of business addresses, your name, your address, your date of birth, your place of birth, your director/officer positions held, your private company shareholdings, ABN status, charity reporting obligations.)

Sole Proprietorships




Taxation Documents for Companies

All applicants who:

(a) own or operate a  business through a company; and/or

(b) are a  director of and/or shareholder in any other private compan y(including a private company involved in self-managed superannuation funds and trust structures)

are required to provide, for the  five-year period immediately preceding this application, copies of:

  1. the  company income tax account; and

  2. the  income tax lodgement report; and

  3. the  integrated client (activity statement) account; and

  4. the  activity statement lodgement report

for all companies covered by paragraphs (a) and (b) above. These reports can be obtained by your tax agent through the ATO tax agent portal. Applicants should redact/black-out any tax file numbers included in their documents prior to uploading.


Please provide the following details for all of the  private companies of which you are a director. (If any details are not applicable, please type "n/a".) If you are a director of more than one company, please add additional companies as required.

Director - Company 1


Director - Company 2


Director - Additional Companies


Please provide the following details for all of the  public companies of which you are a director. (If any details are not applicable, please type "n/a".) If you are a director of more than one company, please add additional companies as required.

Director - Company 1


Director - Company 2


Director - Additional Companies



Please provide the following details for all of the  private and public companies of which you are an officer, but not a director. (If any details are not applicable, please type "n/a".) If you are an officer of more than one company, please add additional companies as required.

Officer - Company 1


Officer - Additional Companies



Please provide the following details for all of the  private companies only in which you are a shareholder, but not a director or other officer. (If any details are not applicable, please type "n/a".) If you are a shareholder in more than one company, please add additional companies as required.

Shareholder - Company 1


Shareholder - Additional Companies


Businesses through any other Companies


Company Obligations and Conduct

8. Finances

Personal Taxation Documents

All applicants are required to provide, for the two-year period immediately preceding this application, copies of:

  1. their  personal income tax notices of assessment; and

  2. their  personal income tax account; and

  3. their  personal income tax lodgement report; and

  4. their  personal integrated client (activity statement) account, if applicable; and

  5. their  personal activity statement lodgement report, if applicable.

If you do not have a tax agent, these documents can be obtained through the ATO Portal on your MyGov account. Applicants should redact/black-out any tax file numbers included in their documents prior to uploading.

If you are unable to, or prefer to not include your tax documents as part of this online form, please contact the State Director for alternative methods to provide these details. Pelase contact the State Director at 

Expenses and Liabilities

Please provide  details of your four largest lines of credit (e.g. mortgage, credit card, unsecured loan, secured loan, Afterpay/other buy-now-pay-later, etc), including the  credit issuer, the  outstanding balance and the  credit limit. If you have fewer than four open lines of credit, please type "n/a" as applicable.





As an undischarged bankrupt, you are not eligible to be elected to the Western Australia Parliament. Please contact before proceding with this application.


Income and Assets


All applicants are required to provide, for the two-year period immediately preceding this application, copies of: 1. their personal income tax notices of assessment; and 2. their personal income tax account; and 3. their personal income tax lodgement report; and 4. their personal integrated client (activity statement) account, if applicable; and 5. their personal activity statement lodgement report, if applicable.

9. Community Involvement

Information in public registers

Prior to submitting your application, all applicants are to ensure that any information provided below for a community group or not-for-profit organisation (whether a company, an incorporated association, or any other structure) is up-to-date and correctly reflected in any public ASIC, ATO, ACNC, Office of Fair Trading or other registers. (i.e. company/association names, registered addresses, principal place of business addresses, your name, your address, your date of birth, your place of birth, your positions held, ABN status, charity reporting obligations, Fair Trading returns and committee documents.)

Community Organisation Positions

Please provide the following details for all of the  organisations for which you have held an officeholder or a board or management committee role. (If any details are not applicable, please type "n/a".) If there is more than one organisation, please add additional organisations as required.

Organisation 1

Organisation 2

Additional Organisations

Organisation Obligations and Conduct

Community Groups

10. Military Service

11. Police Service

12. Online Presence and Media

Social Media and Online Accounts

Online Account Details

Please disclose all current active accounts as well as all previous/inactive accounts, including under any different surnames, any informal names by which you are known, and any online pseudonyms that accounts may have been created in and closed or forgotten under.


Prior to submitting your application, all applicants are to ensure that their LinkedIn is up-to-date (including updating descriptions for any former roles to past tense), and that any items that appear on both their CV and LinkedIn appear in a consistent manner.

Personal Online Assets and Opinions

Media History and Public Profile

Online Security and Conduct

This includes, but is not limited to, racist, sexist, demeaning or otherwise inappropriate material, including material that has since been removed, either by yourself, the author or the social media network/platform administrator.

13. Personal Conduct

Personal Conduct Documents

All applicants must provide  their  National Police Certificate , detailing their Australia-wide disclosable criminal history. 


14. Health

(Except from a hospital or recognised after-hours medical service, or when travelling away from home.)

15. Litigation


16. Party Involvement

History of Political Involvement

The Nationals WA Positions and Experience

Set out in full the details of the Nationals WA activities undertaken by you at each level and the position held in each Party Unit. 

Please specify the name of the Party Unit and the year(s) that the position(s) was/were held.

If any Party Unit if not applicable to you (e.g. Young Nationals), please leave it blank.

Reasons for Seeking Endorsement

17. General Disclosure

If endorsed as a Nationals WA candidate, you can expect considerable scrutiny of your personal and private affairs, as well as your public and business dealings. Matters that you consider private may not be treated accordingly by the media and your political opponents.

Disclosing any potential publicity risks now allows for those risks to be assessed and managed. It is also fundamental to satisfying the duty of full and frank disclosure that is required of applicants.

Failure to disclose any and all risks in full may be a cause for your exclusion as a candidate for preselection, or disendorsement if you are ultimately selected as the Nationals WA candidate.


I Declare

1. All information provided in my Application for Endorsement are true, correct, current, and complete in all respects.

2. Moreover, in consideration for being considered for selection as a candidate in accordance with the Constitution and Rules of the The Nationals WA for the forthcoming State election (Election), I agree to the following:

a) I will immediately provide any further information required by the State Director and undertake to consult with the State Director or to any anyone authorised by the State Director, of any change or the intention to make change to my personal circumstances (including a change of residential address or name) or commitments made in connection with the selection, or campaign;

b) I acknowledge that I may, but am not required to:

i. confirm that I have submitted an Application for Endorsement; and

ii. discuss my Application for Endorsement

with members of The Nationals WA, whether or not they are or may be preselectors, provided that:

iii. I disclose that I am participating in the Applicant Review process; and

iv. I do not disclose the result of my Applicant Review process to any person at any time except with the prior consent of the State Director; and

v. I do not obtain, seek, or receive any improper access to The Nationals WA’s confidential membership or other information; and

vi. I do not comment on or discuss any other actual or potential applicant(s);

c) I will not:

i. actively campaign for selection as a candidate; or

ii. obtain, seek or receive the public endorsement of other people, whether or not they are members of the Nationals WA

between the time that nominations opened and the time that the Nationals WA State Secretariat publicly confirms the names of the applicants to be considered for endorsement;

d) I will not make any statement or comment to a journalist or media organisation in relation to my Application for Endorsement, any other actual or potential applicant(s) or the Applicant Review process.

e) In relation to publicly confirming that I have submitted an Application for Endorsement:

i. if I am currently an elected representative seeking endorsement for the position that I hold, I acknowledge that I may confirm that I have submitted an Application for Endorsement to a journalist or media organisation without requiring the further approval of the President or State Director provided no further comment is made, or

ii. if I am not currently an elected representative, or I am currently an elected representative seeking endorsement for a different position from the one that I hold, I acknowledge that I may confirm that I have submitted an Application for Endorsement to a journalist or media organisation only with the prior approval of the President or the State Director, and that no further comment may be made;

g) If I am not selected as a candidate:

i. I will accept and abide by the decision as having been made in the best interests of The Nationals WA;

ii. I will not contest the Election or in any way support any candidate or party in opposition to The Nationals WA endorsed candidate;

iii. I will not engage in any conduct designed to or having the effect of disparaging The Nationals endorsed candidate or The Nationals WA or engage in any other conduct which may adversely impact upon the electoral prospects of The Nationals WA or its endorsed candidate;

h) If I am selected as a candidate:

i. I acknowledge I am bound by the Constitution and Rules of the Nationals WA and I will support and advocate its objectives, policies, and election platform, and will not advocate policies which are inconsistent with them;

ii. I will comply with any lawful directive of the State Director and the State Secretariat of the Nationals WA and any decision of the State Executive, State Council,Central Campaign Committee, and my local Campaign Committee;

iii. I will do all things and sign all documents as requested to ensure compliance with relevant electoral laws;

iv. I acknowledge that if I am successful in being endorsed as a candidate, a Candidate Agreement will be required to be signed that outlines specific campaign and other requirements, and I undertake to acquaint myself with its terms and raise any issues in relation to it at the earliest opportunity;

v. I will conduct my campaign within such budgets and financial limits as are approved by my local Campaign Committee and the Central Campaign Committee. I agree that should I not do so I will be personally liable for any additional expense incurred and should The Nationals WA pay any such additional expense it will immediately become a debt due and owing by me to The Nationals WA;

vi. I will abide by the financial policies of The Nationals WA;

vii. I will not accept any donation or other benefit whether in money or in kind, which imposes upon me a guarantee, pledge or undertaking, or which places or might place me in a position in which there could be a conflict between my personal interest and my duties to The Nationals WA and/or as a Member of Parliament, should I be elected;

viii. I will ensure that my campaign and any fundraising is conducted in accordance with the law including any fundraising disclosure requirements;

ix. I acknowledge that during my term as a Member of Parliament the Party may impose a charge, fee, or levy on members of the Party who are members of the Western Australian Parliament by by-law, resolution of the State Executive, or otherwise and agree that, if it does so, I will pay the charge, fee, or levy in accordance with the terms of payment stipulated by the Party, including any additional amounts imposed in respect of late payment;

x. If asked to do so by the State Director, I will make such arrangements and sign such documents as may be required for the charge, fee, or levy to be paid by direct debit, charge against my credit card, or otherwise as the State Director may stipulate;

xi. If I do not comply with the above, I acknowledge that I may be disendorsed as a candidate and could face disciplinary action under the Constitution and Rules of The Nationals WA.

Draw signature|Type signatureClear

Application Fee (non-refundable)

A non-refundable Application Fee of $2,750.00 inc GST is required for this application. You can pay either by card below or transfer the $2750.00 to our bank account using the details below:

BSB: 633-000

Acct: 139872022

Reference: 180-1 [LAST NAME]

If you choose to pay by card, an extra card fee of $49.29 will be included. 

If the payment is not received within 3 business days of the application's submition, the Application for Endorsement will not be considered.  

Please consider your card limit before processing the payment. Please also note that paying via card will submit your form automatically - make sure you are happy with your answers before processing the payment.

Form Submission

Please click the submit button below once you are happy with your answers.